March 27, 2008

Toon Thursday: Stages of Rejection #3

I've also got a handful of links today, because I've been cruising around everyone's blogs, trying to get caught up! This past week I got a kick out of the 7-Imps' interview with illustrator Kadir Nelson, who TadMack and I got to see at the SCBWI summer conference last year. Gorgeous man, gorgeous artwork--don't miss the Q&A with E&J.

Speaking of interviews, Cynsations is really on a roll with the 2008 SCBWI Bologna interviews. Don't miss another great interview with Cybil SF/Fantasy finalist Kathleen Duey, author of Skin Hunger.

Courtesy of PW's ShelfTalker comes another creative way to deal with rejection. The column's hilarious, but don't miss the photo... On a totally different note is Children's Book Week, coming up in May--the Children's Book Council announced in a press release that they are launching the Children's Choice Book Awards. Twenty-five finalists were announced in five categories, and kids can vote for their favorites at the website. The whole thing seems like a great potential classroom activity to me. Plus I was happy to see a few Cybils finalists in there...

Another potential classroom resource is, a new contribution to the world of online children's books where you can read books online and connect with other children's book readers and writers. It's also possible for members to publish their own online children's book on the site. It's a nicely designed, friendly site for picture book enthusiasts.


  1. You know, I must just say: insurance underwriter? I don't know - my parents have always been about trying to get me to be a 'drug rep' - you know, one of those guys that goes around to doctors' offices, carrying samples? Apparently they make good money, shilling for the pharmaceutical companies. I think insurance underwriting is a step up from that. ;)

  2. Is it wrong to love that expression of frozen despair? I look forward to seeing how she progresses through the stages -- And I'm so pleased she took to her bed. I think she looks a bit too tidy, though; and there certainly aren't enough bottles piled up alongside the couch... (kidding, kidding...)

    MotherReader has written a lovely picture book on BigUniverse, btw. It has subtle elements of comedy, as you might expect...

  3. My favorite part is her hair. It's just so fatally in disarray. I do believe that black humor is your calling, Sarah...

  4. My favorite part is how the couch is just a little too short for her... which only adds to the claustrophic feeling of failure... which is why in my lowest moments you'll find me spilled out from the couch and onto the hardwood floor.

  5. If M*A*S*H doesn't pan out, there's ALWAYS a "Law and Order" rerun on. Every hour of the day and night.

  6. Egads. M*A*S*H. If she's lucky, there won't be any Saved By the Bell reruns on to further cloud her judgment. Oh, my, the depths to which some of us (*ahem*) have gone...


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