January 14, 2008


Ow! Ow, ow! OW!
I got my eyes dilated today so computers are NOT my friend, and I have a total migraine, but I have to squeal anyway that the ALA Awards are out. I am excited about the Printz Award winner,(which I REALLY enjoyed, but I have to admit that I thought that Sherman Alexie would rate in here somewhere...?) and I am excited about the Newbery -- haven't read it yet, but I've heard SUCH good things!! Boy, can my blogosphere friends pick 'em -- thank you, everybody who have read these books and talked them up and have made me want to read them too (but again: we talked about Sherman Alexie... I guess they figured the National Book Award was enough? Too bad). But I'm even more excited that two books chosen for the SF/F Cybils list and a book I absolutely ADORED this year has won an Printz Honor. A big yahoo for Dreamquake, but three huge unexpected shrieks for newcomer A.M. Jenkins' Repossessed, one of the sharpest and funniest bits of SF/F I've read this year.


I'll be back when the headache fades.


  1. It was so much fun to listen to the webcast this year. I felt like I was there, except for one important point. When it was over I wanted to talk about the winners, and I was alone in my PJs and had to take my kids to school instead of sharing the surprise with my peers.

    I'm making up for it now. I can't believe the Caldecott committee was able to bend the rules enough for Hugo Cabret. Wow. So glad though.

    I loved White Darkness too. Still surprised to see it named.

  2. Yes--hooray and wow for Hugo Cabret. And yay for Yuyi Morales on her award!

  3. Aaah! Now I totally need to add Hugo to my TBR -- and Yuyi Morales!!!!! I hadn't seen that! Thanks for pointing it out!!!


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