January 03, 2008

Ambassador ...Schezka? Sheezikka? Skezzka...?

Can you imagine the awards dinners? The glitzy state affairs at the White House? And none of them able to say nor spell the name of a guy we all know is the cool brainfather of Guys Read and a bunch of other books like The Stinky Cheese Man and The True Story of the Three Little Pigs?

Via Read Roger, we've discovered that awesomely energetic and funny Jon Scieszka is the newest -- and the first -- National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. Congratulations!!! And YAY for young people's lit -- it's about to get a most serious kick in the pants!


  1. That is really exciting--such a great choice!

  2. I think it is such a supremely perfect choice!

    Jules, 7-Imp

  3. Say "Sheska" rhymes with Fresca.

  4. I think it's a perfect choice too. And I love the term "brainfather."

    All the White House needs to do is read this funny article by the man himself at The Horn Book.


  5. Ooh, thanks for the article!

    And thanks, David -- I do know how to pronounce the name; I just get a giggle imagining all the people who will mangle it... although he's pretty good about immediately saying "Rhymes with Fresca" the minute you meet him.


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