December 13, 2007

Toon Thursday, and a Few Links

This one's dedicated to you, Phillip Pullman! :) Don't miss the excellent post on Scott Westerfeld's blog about the Compass Controversy (thanks to Sheila over at Wands and Worlds for the link). And on a more positive note, don't miss the kidlitosphere's own Liz B, who recently guest blogged over at ForeWord Magazine on the topic of encouraging reading. Keeping it fun--that's the key. (I don't seem to have a problem with that...)


  1. And flagrant displays of man-flesh in wet clothing are bad because....???

    Toon Thursday is great!

  2. I never said they were bad. Especially not Colin Firth in wet clothing...

  3. I want me some gratuitous pond-jumping, too.


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