November 29, 2007


"Apparently, instead of eating an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, all you have to do is buy a pair of slacks from Banana Republic."

As always, Minh at Bottom Shelf Books has the skinny on what's really up with children's literature -- today is Disney v. Seinfeld... and it's disturbing, let me tell you, how much Minnie Mouse and Julia Dreyfuss have in common.

Meanwhile, OH MY GOSH have my peeps moved into some exalted circles. First Jenn Robinson has gotten the label of "Expert" emblazoned across her superhero outfit. She's helping grow bookworms all over the place.

And I hear Mitali is also part of the judging panel for the 2008 Phyllis Naylor Working Writer Fellowship, along with Christopher Paul Curtis and Sid Fleischman. Way to go, Mitali! If you're at all interested in nominating a fellow writer for the fellowship, hop on over to the site for information on how to apply -- you only have until January 14, so hurry. It's a tremendous gift to be able to share with a fellow writer.

And CONGRATULATIONS are in order for illustrator Irisz Agocs of Artista Blog who has just received the first copy of her first picture book illustration. This artist was listed in someone's 7-Kicks ages ago, and I loved her work (Picturebook Nerd Alert!) so much I've kind of kept up with her, even though her posts aren't always in English. So, yay Ms. Agocs!

Stay tuned for 'Toon Thursday...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making me laugh, T! There actually is a guy who puts on a superhero outfit and goes out to schools to encourage kids to read books. Personally, I don't think I'd want to be seen in one of those tight-fitting outfits. But I guess if it would help to grow bookworms...

    Congratulations to Mitali, too. She rocks.


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