October 25, 2007

Toon Thursday: Another Contest Winner!

Drum roll, please, for the first of the three remaining winners of the Toon Thursday contest! .........

Congratulations to liquidambar for her winning entry! Also, apologies to Matt Groening for Akbar and Jeff's Falafel Hut. And apologies to the Falafel Hut down the street from my house for Akbar and Jeff's Falafel Hut...


  1. Thank you, a. fortis! It's a thrill to be illustrated.

    You captured my kitchen drawer without even visiting my house. How spooky is that?

  2. We must think alike, since it's modeled after my kitchen drawer! :) Though, to be completely accurate, my drawer is just about overflowing with crap. (Please note: that is "drawer" without an S. Crucial difference.)

    Thanks again for entering the contest!

  3. Hee! Falafel Hut?!

    I used to have a kitchen door like this. Theoretically, we cleaned it out when we moved; I think now it's just all in a box...

  4. It's in a box, unfortunately, I'm sure.

  5. At least your drawer has one of every kind of battery. I always seem to have fifteen AAA's and no 9V or whatever it is that will make the smoke alarm stop beeping at me.

    Maybe I need some writer batteries in there, too.

    Can't wait to see the rest in this series!


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