September 20, 2007

Toon Thursday: The Truth Comes Out

Yes, much as I would like to have a personal assistant on hand to pour me champagne when I write my daily masterpieces, that's not usually how it goes. However, if you DO find yourself with a few masterpieces burning a hole in your desk, there are a few contest deadlines coming up--Glimmer Train's Short Story Award competition for this fall closes on Sept. 30, and the Writer's Digest Popular Fiction Awards have a closing date of Nov. 1 (and some excellent prizes, including manuscript critiques). Go to it! I might go for Glimmer Train, though I had sworn never to enter another contest of theirs (only because I kept entering and getting discouraged). However, for the first time, I entered an audio contest recently, which was interesting. We'll see how that goes. Writers, don't be shy--get your work out there!


  1. I dunno about this -- the hair is way too tidy for MY writing style. Try the 'just-rolled-out-of-something' look, and it's a bit closer...

    Frankly, I think a personal assistant would annoy the heck out of me. There would be someone to LOOK at me drinking juice out of the pitcher in the fridge...!

  2. Hey, a personal assistant would be mighty handy to help you answer all of the fan mail!


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