August 27, 2007

Not a fan of Bratz, but...

Just a quick note: today, Anastasia's got the goods on a new trend over at ye olde Ypulse: Modesty. Now being marketed to a teen near you.

Me: Speechless.


  1. See, I didn't want to be the one to say that.

    Raised a religious conservative myself, I know the... background of this a little more, maybe, but it gives ME the heebs. Not good.

  2. I had a similar reaction when I saw the title: Girls Gone Mild.

    On one hand, well, yeah, some of the mainstream stuff is just awful. But on the other? I'm wondering about agendas, and I really, really HATE agendas and when people attempt to manipulate me.

  3. I agree, Jackie! That's a major issue for me--feeling like somebody's agenda is being forced on me.

    And I do understand the background a bit--at least insofar as my dad was constantly on my back about articles of clothing he thought were immodest, but which would be quite tame by today's standards...legging-style stirrup pants are nothing compared to buttcrack-baring jeans, in my opinion...

  4. I find a lot of hate for agendas manipulating kids. No matter how smart, they often don't have the wherewithal to be deep, consistent, critical thinkers or to express their thoughts passionately and coherently, and so are pushed back and forth by every wind of thought and often can't quite speak up about how it makes them feel.

    I know some of the reasons behind this type of thing from the religious perspective, and the fears of some of the adults or whatever concerns within religious groups, but it's creepy to have sort of a MOVEMENT toward anything. Like, 'we Stepford Mamas are MOVING: move with us or be mowed down.'


  5. Oh, you smart women you. It's a pleasure to hang out with you all. Have you ever seen the extremely modest swimwear?

    For girls there's always an agenda it seems...

  6. Extremely modest swimwear!?

    What, it's more modest than a tankini? Is it swim sweats now? (Will the undertow drag one down in them?)

  7. Oh, dear--I just looked at the swimwear. It looks like something my dad might have tried to get me to wear when I was a teenager (if it had existed then)....immediately followed by me bursting into laughter. Fortunately, I don't recall him making too big a deal about my bathing suits, since I wasn't a bikini person anyway!

  8. Okay: seen it.
    'Modest' is becoming a bad word.


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