August 12, 2007

Get Your Vegemite Sandwiches Ready....

...The very first One Shot World Tour will be hitting Australia on Wednesday, August 15th--or, more accurately, Australia will be hitting the blog world! Here's the full lineup (see the fabulous Chasing Ray for more information):

Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast interviews Margo Lanagan

Kelly Fineman is all about Melina Marchetta

Big A, little A writes about Anna Feinberg and her "Tashi" series

Jenn at Not Your Mother's Bookclub interviews Simmone Howell

Chicken Spaghetti reviews Kathy Hoopmann's award winning All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome

Gwenda at Shaken and Stirred is all about How Sassy Changed My Life, The Red Shoes by Ursula Dubosarsky and a wee bit more with Margo Lanagan

Jen Robinson discusses John Marsden's "Tomorrow" series

Little Willow discusses Finding Grace by Alyssa Brugman

At A Chair, a Fireplace & a Tea Cozy it is all about Catherine Jinks and her four "Pagan" books

Jackie at Interactive Reader posts about Randa Abdel-Fattah's Does My Head Look Big in This? and John Flanagan's The Icebound Land

Trisha at The Ya Ya Yas interviews Queenie Chan

Fuse Number 8 talks more about John Marsden and also highlights a new Hot Man of Literature: Andy Griffiths

Colleen writes about Nick Earls at Chasing Ray

A guest appearance from Jenny Davidson who has interviewed mystery author Peter Temple

And, of course, here at FW we take a look at Undine by Penni Russon and a look at some of Jaclyn Moriarty's titles. Tune in Wednesday!

Here's an unrelated little afterthought of a question that's been nagging at me for a little while: I'm wondering whether y'all can help me compile a list of titles that might qualify as cyberpunk fiction for YAs. Arguably, William Gibson can be considered a crossover author (I know I read a little of his stuff when I was in high school), but I'm also wondering about books written FOR young adults. One title I enjoyed (and still love) is Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson; and Tad Williams' Otherland is a great trilogy along those lines as well; and perhaps M.T. Anderson's Feed fits in this category. Any other ideas? If I get a decent list I'll probably do a post about it at some point.


  1. Email me and I'll make you a list.

  2. YAY!
    I am actually getting quite excited about this one -- and the picture is really nice.

  3. "Breakfast with the ones you love" by Eliot Fintushel - reviewed in my column this month at Bookslut. It was released as an adult SFF but has a teen girl protoag and if perfect for YA (which is why it's in the column!).

    Funky does not even begin to describe this novel but so imaginative and fun. Give it a shot - I'm sure you've missed it (I think nearly everyone has....)


  4. This link was buried under many others! I meant to make you a list. It depends on how you define cyberpunk, and if you'll indulge me in offering some additional titles that are more horror, sci-fi, or fantasy.

    Let me just say: Scott Westerfeld, Scott Westerfeld, Scott Westerfeld. THE MIDNIGHTERS trilogy combines math with creatures and superpowers. PEEPS is outstanding, and twists vampire legend with scientific research and dark comedy. The entire UGLIES sequence is gorgeous - pun intended - and dystopic and incredibly tasty.

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