August 09, 2007

BACA: Because you wanted to know this!

You know what?
I am not going to say one snarky thing that I read on Big A, little a today. Nope. Not gonna even pull out basins and make convincing faces that look like impending barfdom. Nope. Not gonna do it.


  1. Hey, TadMack -- here's a much more palatable slice of youngfolk literary news out of Washington this week. Enjoy!

  2. "Jenna's book tour"! Move over and give me some space in that basin.

  3. Chris, I owe you one.
    Much better news! I wish I had read Slaughterhouse-5 at thirteen!!

    And yes, Diane. We can take turns...

  4. Chris: that IS better news :) I enjoyed that article too.

    Tadmack: I see you couldn't help yourself!!

  5. As Jane Yolen points out, these people are hogging much of the available oxygen.


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