July 13, 2007

Poetry Friday: Missing

At times, poetry details the transitory nature of the world.


Your absence has gone through me
Like thread through a needle.
Everything I do is stitched with its color.

- W.S. Merwin

A stainless steel needle, leaving tiny perforations, linking us together with a whisper thin cord of loss. The imagery is more apt than I can express.

Absence shows up in Little Willow's choice, "The King of Griefs"; in Eisha's haiku farewell to Cambridge, and even in Kelly's mood music, as she takes off with The Raggle Taggle Gypsy. For more poetry perfect for a lucky summer day, drop by the Poetry Friday Round-Up at Chicken Spaghetti.


  1. That's a beautiful poem.

  2. Perfect picture for that poem.

  3. ooh, this one hurts.

    I like how you paired it with a photo.

  4. That really is a perfect image for loss. Damn.


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