June 18, 2007

And On A Personal Note: Muchas Gracias!

People donated some SERIOUSLY nice stuff for the 48 Hour Reading Challenge gifts.
I am totally not worthy.

Thanks to THREADLESS, we kind of have a sort of corporate sponsor thing going on with the Book Challenge - how cool is that? (I have dark plans to create my own shirt ... in my copious spare time, of course.)

My sincere thanks to authors Celise Downs, Sara Lewis Holmes and the invincible Mo Willems. I look forward to reading and will hang my Pigeon picture in my office.

For those of you who donated little gifts of things special to you, THANK YOU. You are all so amazingly talented! The home made jewelry from Indiana Beth, and the coffee sleeve and journal from, Beth of Just Books (Look at the picture! That's not just books!), the prayer flag from Tricia - just back from China!!, the coffee card from Nancy at Journey Woman, and the gorgeous framed iris photograph and quote from A Wrung Sponge just made my day. My paper bracelets from MotherReader, my amphibious cell phone holder, the stickers and tea and pencils and bookmark and purse charms -- all a little like finding an unexpected gift from a secret pal you didn't know you had. Seriously: if you knew what kind of day today has been, you would understand why I'm going on and on like this is the Academy Awards.

My forty-five seconds are up. But you know I'd do a Sally Fields and weep all over you if you were here. I really appreciate the spot of fun today. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I've been offline for a couple of days so I didn't see your post about Mo's stuff and the gift package. I'm so happy that you liked everything. I did get some wonderful donations and worked quick-like-a-bunny to get the package out by Friday. Thanks for playing.


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