August 14, 2006

A Windy Morning in August...

Oh, ho, the rumors are true. Meg Cabot, queen of The Happy Ending and Convenient Romance is now also... the queen of Clinique!?

"If you've purchased a copy of HOW TO BE POPULAR, you might have noticed there was a set of stickers inside (the stickers are for you to peel off and stick on your favorite scenes--such as the ones to do with kissing--or tips from the book, for easy later reference).

The stickers were actually made in conjunction with my favorite cosmetics line, Clinique. Because HOW TO BE POPULAR is about a girl who is trying desperately to be popular, and who gives herself a physical AND mental makeover to become that way, we thought partnering with a cosmetics company to promote the book would be cool."

Cool, she says. A word with oh so many different meanings. In this case, "cool" must mean: If you're a teen bemoaning your spotty skin, know now that Meg Cabot feels that Clinique's 3-Step Overpriced Skincare System will help you live a better life. You'll have fresh, flawless skin! Even, white teeth! Boyfriends! Girlfriends! High school success! And now please pardon me as I go off and live my lackluster, Clinique-free life. "Kismet," indeed. Perhaps the movie deals and the myriad book sales just weren't money enough.

As I've been participating in the ever-cool Flickr Fiction short story challenge each week, I've noticed that I tend to change my language in my stories. Knowing that adults are reading my YA shorts means I'm making a few more daring choices in how I phrase things... From Buried in the Slushpile comes the question of the week: how vulgar is too vulgar in YA lit? A thought-provoking question answered by an actual editor.

I complain about actually working on my Edit From Hell, but I must admit that I'm well pleased that I'm not as famous as Neil Gaiman, whose personal assistant gave him this hilarious day-in-the-life-of essay he posted on his blog. I can't imagine being so busy that I have interviews scheduled until 2060, but it's a nice thought... if I could just finish this one edit...

Was it only me, or did everyone else believe that the with the third novel in the series, the Traveling Pants had traveled their last, er, leg in life? But no, no, no, Forever in Blue is coming, and fans of the series have until August 20 to vote for the national book tour to come to their town. The top ten cities will be chosen; I'm sure they'll be at a city near... you.

You! Out of the typing pool! Another adult writer has wandered over into children's lit... apparently because we haven't heard enough from Caroline B. Cooney lately, Mary Higgins Clark has decided that children's fiction needs her... unique worldview. One awaits the results...wryly. Thanks to Bookshelves of Doom.

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