June 10, 2005

Does blogging count as writing?

I finally finished my first YA novel--did anyone hear the huge cry of relief emanating from New Jersey? :) I would like to go and edit it because lord knows it needs it, and then send it out, but between my new editor job, freelance writing, and general mayhem, very little writing is accomplished. So back to my initial thought: does blogging count as writing?


  1. YAY!!!!
    Good for you for finishing!

    And yes, blogging counts as writing, just like emailing and journaling and letter writing. If not, we're all in deep trouble.

    So, I'm dying to read this last chapter, here! Where IS it???

    Good luck with sending it out. Will you be choosing an agent or publishing house open to unsolicited manuscripts? So many choices!

    Good luck, good luck!

  2. It surely does! Congratulations!! I'm sure you'll find a home for your manuscript any day now...


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