September 05, 2013

Toon Thursday: Aren't You Glad Writers Don't Have Reality Shows?

...I sure am! Especially since I seem to keep thinking up horrific scenarios in which writers enter into ludicrous competitions for the delectation of a live audience, as if it isn't already enough that our work goes out into the world for judgment and potential scorn, subject to the capricious moods of the readers. So here you go, and consider yourselves lucky, my friends.


  1. An ottoman gets on a bus for Fort Lauderdale, where it strikes up a conversation with some hipsters. Upon arriving at the beach, the ottoman accidentally witnesses a jewel robbery committed by a three-legged dog ...

  2. I've never seen Chopped, but I'll add it to my list of nightmare shows, along with WHAT NOT TO WEAR: Author Edition...

  3. I might read the one about the zombie dog.

  4. Tanita: I think you've given me fodder for a future toon...except it may be more of a "what authors wear: the myth/the reality" kind of thing.


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